Mango Elixir Tea

Sale price$8.60

Size: 50g


  • Age Gracefully
  • Radiant Skin
  • Naturally Sweet Tea
  • Ideal Chilled Refreshment
  • Great for kids too!
Experience the timeless benefits of Gota Kola with our rejuvenating tea blend. Embraced for millennia in both Chinese and Ayurvedic traditions, Gota Kola has earned its legendary status as "the fountain of life." This ancient herb enhances collagen production, purifies the blood, and promotes radiant skin health. Harnessing its adaptogenic properties, it brings harmony to your body and reduces inflammation.
Indulge in the simplicity and pleasure of sipping on nature's ultimate health elixir, all while slowing down the aging process.

These guides serve as a good place to start

Brew Guide

The grinder you use, coffee you choose, and yes, even the water from your sink, can alter the taste in the cup. Every machine is different, so you'll want to think of these parameters more as guidelines than law.


Imagine a world where biowaste is turned into energy to fuel your coffee fix - at Sprocket Roasters, that's what we do!


Creating a roaster that is fuelled on bioenergy is a world first in the coffee roasting industry, and is something we are very proud of here at Sprocket. This advancement in roasting technology means end of life products like spent coffee grinds, along with a wide range of other organic material that usually ends up in landfill, are turned into fuel to power the roaster. Coffee magic?! Most certainly ... coupled with sound engineering and a whole lot of TLC in every small batch we roast.